
Below you will find downloads for various materials concerning the Peking Committee Bible in both English and Chinese. Some of these items are free for download, others have been given the lowest price possible to continue their publication All these materials are available in printed form as well. Please contact us about ordering in bulk.

An Explanation of the Peking Bible

Cover for Explanation of Bible

(English) (Only available in print)

Description: This booklet focuses on the history as well as qualifications of the Peking Committee Bible. It also answers some of the questions that surround bible translation as it pertains to Hebrew, Greek and various translations based upon those manuscripts. 



 The Chinese Term for God:
A Letter to Protestant Missionaries in China

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Description: John S. Burdon was one of the members of the Peking Committee which produced the first Mandarin translation of the Holy Scriptures. This letter is a thorough explanation of the situation as it was in the Qing Dynasty and gives an adequate defense of the term used by the Committee when translating the term for “God”.


 Is Jehovah Shang Di?

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Description: This is a Chinese version of the original committee member’s essays concerning the term to be used when translating the Hebrew Elohim and the Greek Theos. This booklet also contains a biblical explanation of the name of God, by Pastor Dunn.


 The Use of the Term Lord of Heaven

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Description: This short letter is a thorough defense for the use of the term Tian Zhu in Christian churches. There is no more qualified to address this topic than Henry Blodget. Having a proficiency in Chinese unmatched by his contemporaries, Blodget explains why Protestants are more concerned with being confounded with Catholics than objectively considering the accuracy of the term Tian Zhu. 


Peking Committee Bible

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(Cell Phone Edition)

Description: This is an electronic version of the Peking Committee Bible that has been formatted for easy navigation on mobile devices. As the file is PDF it should be viewable on all platforms through any PDF viewer. 


 Two Sources

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Description: This booklet is a thought provoking look into the main problem with the Communist printed Chinese Union Version, namely, its underlying manuscripts. Majority of the current Chinese Bibles on the market today will not leave the basis of the Union Bible for fear of the Chinese rejecting their translation. This booklet makes the argument that a fountain cannot send forth bitter and sweet waters. 


 What is Truth?

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Description: The most vital truth that is being hidden from the world is who Jesus truly is. Pilate asked Truth in the flesh “what is truth?” This tract answers that question.


Watch your manners!

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Description: This short threefold pamphlet addresses a dire need  in our modern times, mannerly people. The church house is treated with little respect, and can especially be so in country’s that have had little exposure to the gospel. If you are starting a church in China, you will find this tract helpful as it identifies many of the irreverent attitudes that can permeate a church in the Orient.


 Schereschewsky’s Letter to the Bishops Concerning the Peking Bible and Terms Used in Translation

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Description: Schereschewsky’s explanation of the terms he used in translation show a proficient knowledge of Chinese as well as a sensitive understanding to the clarity necessary for a good translation. This will help the struggling student of Chinese understand that there was a reason and method behind every term chosen.


Upon occasion, when a Christian work has a price tag attached to it, the criticisms flood in. Critics always expect for free, what it cost someone time and money to provide, with no foresight to continuing its distribution; this is not a new complaint. We would, however, like to reassure any interested in our materials that every penny that comes in on behalf of the Chinese Bible goes directly to printing more Bibles and continually providing these materials and more like them. Furthermore, the Scriptures are not withheld from anyone desiring to have them; we have a free pew Bible that we give out to those unable to afford the higher quality wide-margin as well as a free cell-phone Bible PDF for download. We also kindly remind any who feel it unfair that we charge for our materials, that most of them spend more on apps for their $200 or more cell phone than they can on our website, and without complaint. For those truly interested in the material, but who are otherwise hindered financially, please contact us, as we would love to get the materials to you. For those interested in posting some of our free materials on their sites, we allow only our free materials to be posted on other web sites with the appropriate credit and links to our website applied, thereby giving credit where it is due. These materials are protected by copyright and furthermore should be protected by our mutual relationship in Christ which would prevent a believer from taking credit for another man’s work or providing content not their own without giving credit. We pray the content here is helpful. 

Brother Dunn